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Creating Media of All Kinds

Friday, July 29, 2005

All the colours in the rainbow + one

Woke up yesterday still juggling with this question of what I should be focusing on, and if it was ok to put writing on the back burner to some other projects right now. Wrote in my morning pages, "Universe, I welcome your input on this!" Moments later, walked into another room and opened up the shades to see this:

Talk about your messages from the Universe! Love the second rainbow - something can be secondary, not foreground right now, but add to the beauty of the first. Doesn't have to be all or nothing...

So then I went to get my new hairstyle:

Hint: the blue wasn't there before... What's really interesting is that indoors it blends into the darkness of my hair, but in sunlight it's striking! My "outside" personality vs. my office personality perhaps...

I've never dyed my hair before - fun! It's like when you're young, you play with your dolls hair and clothes and move them around, and tell stories about their lives. When you're in your twenties you find out you can control the doll that is you. Change her hair!
Give her new clothes! Change her job! Take her out somewhere new! Feed her! Give her a new boyfriend! Give her a would-be girlfriend! Confuse her! Abandon her! Watch her cry! Pump her full of bio-chemicals but don't tell her the cure! Move her from city to city!

Since some of these things are now off the docket, the hair is a fine area to play with pseudo-dramatic change...
Help her preserve her youth! And the stories I create can be about other people's dramas - don't have to create my own...


At 4:33 p.m., August 04, 2005, Blogger Parton Words said...

Now isn't that an interesting concept.....my outside personality and my office personality.

thanks for the pics...thanks for making me smile.


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