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Creating Media of All Kinds

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Coffee Maker at Cinemateque

The Coffee Maker will have its Cinemateque debut this weekend (Saturday and Sunday). If you worked on the film and want to get into the reception Friday, let me know and I'll ask them to put you on the list.

Also showing in the Regenesis line-up is Bevan Klassen's ReTired, that I spent 2 days in a tire factory working on - "I love the smell of rubber in the morning!" Plus work from Guy Maddin, Heidi Phillips, Darryl Nepinak, Jaimz Asmundson and more!

Bevan and Heidi's films will also show at the WIFF, which starts this weekend too.

Monday, May 21, 2007

How to Stop an Exploding City

Is it a coincidence that the finale of Heroes titled "How to Stop an Exploding Man" (who might take a city with him) airs just as the citizens of Toronto send hundreds and hundreds of firecrackers into the sky?

A spectacle worthy of this metropolis. From my balcony 11 floors up, I literally can't take in all the fireworks in every direction, just as I can never take in all that this town has to offer. But like the city's daily bursts of activity, the cumulative effect is outstanding, inspiring, energizing. A brilliant start to summer! (don't bother me with solstician details...)

Because who celebrates summer's return with more enthusiasm than Canadians? I even spent the weekend at the Lake, like a good Canuck. (thanks Joanna!)

Back to Heroes, I'll need to watch the finale again. For one thing, I thought it was a two-hour event, so was stunned that after 40 minutes it was all converging. It did make me cry, for what that's worth. I don't know what to make of the preview for next year. I will withhold judgment to see what they do with it. Overall, definitely one of my favourite shows of the year. Will have to write a whole post about the season in review, I suppose!
