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Creating Media of All Kinds

Monday, July 31, 2006

Writing for the Other Screen

I've got plans for September!

I've been accepted into the Canadian Film Centre's Prime Time Television Programme. I'll be working with Barbara Samuels (North of 60, E.N.G.) and about 7 other participants. An amazing opportunity to get first-hand experience with collaborative screenwriting, to develop my own television story ideas, and to meet and pitch to industry reps.

I'm due to be in Toronto by September 18, so have a few things to do in the next 6 weeks: wrap up my film and edit at least a decent first cut, and finish research at the Manitoba and Hudson Bay Archives for my MAC grant screenplay. And of course apply for scholarships and funding to help me afford 6 months of living in Toronto!

Thanks to everyone who supported me during the intense application and interview process!

Monday, July 24, 2006


Here's some pics from the weekend. First Lisa and Daryl, then a shot of what a neighbourhood shoot looks like, then the band.


I'm too pumped up still from my shoot to sleep!

An amazing weekend, though each of the first 3 days seem to have involved a small meltdown
by mid-afternoon, convinced that we're never going to get it all shot. But then we pick back up and charge back through and by the end of the day can say "It was so worth it." Oh my god, some of the footage I got today is so damn H-OT. Cannot WAIT to get it back. The live band (Sons of York) rocked out and I believe won themselves several new fans. I got some extra footage of them and am going to make them a music video, integrating some of the story line from the film.

And a bedroom scene that was by turns beautiful, hilarious and sexay! I loved the moment when we rehearsed a scene and more than one person in the room yelled "that's hot!" Glad to say my casting paid way off - thanks Lisa and Daryl!! You guys rock! Your hard work and dedication to the show mean a lot to me. And thanks for lending us your house Lisa - very brave!

And my crew, I cannot say enough about them. Hope you'll be there for the last bits remaining, but I must thank you now for all that you've done so far.

Andrew - For being so gracious, talented, calm under fire and just Making it Happen.
Shannon - For literally making it happen - you are a supreme professional.
Shelly - For organizing Everything and making it look effortless. There's no way I could have pulled this off without you pulling it all together.
Michelle - For keeping us on track and rising above the call of duty.
Dave - PA/Grip/Xtras Wrangler extraordinaire - thanks for the muscles and great attitude
Samantha - Great job, hope to work with you again!
Kerri - Thanks for keeping our energy up with the delicious food, and pitching in on dragging stuff around!
Brie - Thanks for helping everyone's inner beauty shine through - and getting rid of any extra shine we didn't want!
Arun - great work, and more to come on post!
Dustin and Mark - Thanks for the sweat and putting in the hours
Shallom - way to fill in - hope this is a start of something good for you!
Lauren - Thanks for pitching in wherever needed. Great to have you on set.
Eric - Thanks for the pics!
Jonathan and Andrew2 - thanks for your assistance

Speaking of Extras, thanks to everyone who came out today - greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy seeing yourself bopping away in the final product. Special thanks to Marjo, Tracy, Heather and J&J for answering my call! Great to have you all on set (again for you first 3).

There's still one more day of shooting, some planned in advanced, and some catching of shots we didn't get to. It was definitely nice to have a back-up date to be able to drop stuff to.

Moments like these I surely remember why I do this. After yesterday, I said something about "on my next show..." and Andrew said "I'm glad to hear there will be another one." Yes, any complaining is totally transient. How could I not know what a grand opportunity I have been afforded by these projects? Thank you Winnipeg Film Group and National Film Board. Kisses to you. And to everyone who has supported me during this somewhat stressful lead-up to shooting.

OK finally sleepy. Good night, WinniPEG!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Directing vs Conducting

Last night, watching my friend Jeremy Legault (above right) conduct an ensemble he'd pieced together for a 2-night multi-disciplinary performance, I was struck by the similarities between our jobs. We'd already discussed what it feels like to rehearse - the limitations of what we can do and offer to the artists. But also the thrill when it all comes together - this thing we imagined comes to life through the talents and contribution of others.

But it's the personal effort that goes into independent artistic productions that makes the "job" so different than arriving on set/stage and doing your thing. Both of us have had to call people personally to cajole them into participating, but both of us have also been amazed at the generosity of people who give their time and energy to collaborate with us (that's soloist Dave Camwell above, who made a road trip in to perform). J lugged photocopied programs from Staples to the performance last night - I'm off to pick up the rental van and load gear. No glamour, no pay (in fact we're putting in our own money), but you better believe this is what we want to be doing or we wouldn't be doing it.

One major difference is that conductors get the gratification of an audience at the moment of performance. Directors have to wait for film festivals and premieres, and for mass-market films, aren't there when the audience is taking it in. Our satisfaction has to be at the end of the editing process - that we have created the best version of what we intended.

Jeremy's production is great by the way - highly recommend it! Music + Dance + Film. It's on tonight as almost a Fringe of the Fringe kind of thing - 8 p.m. at the RWB - and it's pay-what-you-can!

Speaking of Fringe, I should plug my actor Lisa's show, Shock Corridor. Directed by George Tolles, it sounds hilarious. Lisa's a trooper, shooting the film and performing on the same weekend!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Rock and Roll

Weekend two coming up. Last night, went with Andrew and Darryl to hear the band we're using in the film. Got Darryl on stage with the band for a song to get used to the idea, as he'll be playing the lead singer. Every boy's dream...

The band is Sons of York and they rawk! You can hear their songs on myspace, and soon on the soundtrack to Rave Review! They're young, energetic, and the music is great - just what I wanted.

Winnipeg is amazing - when the first band I lined up fell through, I put out a call on a couple of websites in town and heard from a dozen bands within a couple of days.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Exhausted but thrilled

Day one of shooting Rave Review went great, thanks to my DP Andrew Forbes, my AD Michelle Ward and Gaffer Shannon Ottarson (on 1 hour sleep!), and all the rest of my awesome crew. And the actors gave me their all:

Looks like we're actually shooting a movie!

Two more days to shoot next weekend, and then a couple of pick-ups. Can't wait!

Friday, July 14, 2006


I've got the pre-production jitters. We shoot tomorrow and even though I know everything is under control, it's hard to remain calm now that's it's here! Rehearsals went great (thanks Lisa, Daryl, Robert!), and I've been to the site to check it out and plan shots with the Cinematographer, Electric and AD. Have a great crew, feel confident in the actors. Will keep myself busy today by shopping for food and getting the van to load with gear this afternoon!

This is where we're shooting - it's a hospital scene - at the UM Nursing centre. The best part is there is plenty of real equipment and some dummies we can use in the beds!

The shooting schedule is actually decent. We have an early start tomorrow, so should be done by afternoon, then don't shoot again until next weekend. So if anything doesn't go quite right, we can fix it before next week!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I became an official Canadian last week...

just in time to celebrate Canada Day with some special friends!