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Creating Media of All Kinds

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It burns! It burns!

My eyes that is. From all my homework. Since Thursday afternoon, I've watched:
  • The Office, My Name is Earl and CSI (these were actually ASSIGNED as homework)
  • Most of Grey's Anatomy (over commercial breaks during the two hours above)
  • The last 6 episodes of Veronica Mars, Season 2
  • The first 3 episodes of Veronica Mars, Season 3
  • The last 4 episodes of The L Word, Season 2
  • The first 8 episodes of The L Word, Season 3
  • The latest episode of Battlestar Galactica.
As far as the last is concerned, I have this to say (hopefully not too great of a spoiler): thank the gods Lee lost some weight and Kara cut off her hair - these may sound like cosmetic changes, but trust me, they are deeply and intrinsically important to the characters and to my personal enjoyment of the show.
Kara, a girl after my own heart, takes a knife to her hair over the bathroom sink.

Please note, I did also buy and eat food, do dishes, speak with Loved Ones, read a book printed on paper, go for brunch with a friend, take at least one bath and one shower, and vacuum. Oh, and write and submit my Five Year Plan.

I need to rewatch BG because I was actually trying to do some work during the episode (8th grade all over again! Homework in front of the TV!). My other homework was making changes to the outline for my designated acts in our mini-series. I also took on the task of creating a chronological timeline for the 4 hours, as we're telling it all out of order and the Script Supervisor within was going nuts not knowing what day a scene took place. It's something I've always done for my own work, including timelines into the past for backstory to keep everything straight. Least I could do to keep 8 of us on the same page!

L Word marathon is to prepare for a deconstruction of the show that I'll be presenting a week from tomorrow. We're each given 90 minutes to break down a show, its characters and themes. It's not all hard work, as one of the big themes of LW is The Joy of Sex, baby...

We're going to work with Yan Moore (
Degrassi, Road to Avonlea) this week. Friday we met and heard the story of Christopher Bolton and Chris Szarka, who created and sold Rent-a-Goalie to Showcase without ever having worked in a story room. Definitely inspiring!

I still need to catch up on last week's Lost and Friday Night Lights (d'oh, did they change the time on me again this week? Checking... Shew, not on until Tuesday...) Thank goodness Lost is going on hiatus after this week - all this keeping up on current shows is hard work, especially as I'm also trying to catch up on shows I missed over the last couple of years (Deadwood, Weeds, The Wire, The 4400, Firefly, Carnivale, and V Mars (which I'm oh so close to watching in Real Time!)).

For those of you who have heard me eschew television watching in the past, laugh all you want, I'm paying now... in blood vessels...


At 2:35 p.m., November 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Polly,

Ah, Battlestar Galactica. How I love thee.

I, too, was very happy when Apollo lost the weight. More beefcake in sci-fi, please!

Could that show be any better?



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